Ignition Interlock Device Laws in Tennessee

If convicted of a DUI in TN, 1st or multiple, the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDOSHS) will require you to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in your vehicle if you…

  • Had a breath alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 or higher.
  • Had a combination of alcohol and prescription or illegal drugs.
  • Were involved in a wreck where alcohol was a contributing factor.
  • Had a child under the age of 18 in the vehicle with you at time of arrest.
  • Refused the breath or blood test and had a prior conviction for implied consent, underage driving, open container or reckless driving when the original charge was for DUI within the last five years.
  • Are guilty of a second or subsequent DUI offense within five years.

For all arrests after July 2016, the court must require an IID unless the court specifically orders that the one of the above factors do not apply. In addition, if you are convicted of a DUI, you must install an IID for 365 consecutive days with the final 120-day period free of violations. Missing a calibration at any point during your 365-day period is a violation.

* All Tennessee IID’s have a camera installed per regulatory standards to take your picture while you perform a breath test.
* You will be responsible for all costs and installation services for the IID and bring your vehicle in for regular monitoring and service. You may be required to attend and complete DUI school, as well as doing community service and attending a victim impact panel meeting.

How to Get Your Restricted License Quickly in Tennessee

  1. File for an SR-22 form, which proves financial responsibility to TDOSHS and the state courts.
  2. Call 800.831.3299 to schedule an appointment to have an IID installed with a state-approved, Smart Start interlock service provider.
  3. Apply for a Restricted Driver’s License in the County of Conviction or in the county where you reside.
  4. Visit the local Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain your Restricted License.

How to Reinstate Your Driving Privileges After a DUI in Tennessee

  1. Complete all of your DUI requirements, including your jail time, DUI school, victim impact meeting and community service.
  2. Pay all of your fines, probation fees, court costs and license reinstatement fees.
  3. Complete your Ignition Interlock Device requirements.
  4. Return to the DMV to reinstate your driver’s license without the restriction code.
  5. Visit your local Smart Start service center to remove the IID.

DISCLAIMER: These steps may not be a complete representation of what you must do to regain your license. As DUI case details vary by each individual, please do not see this step-by-step guide as an official process to regaining your license, but rather as a starting point only.

How Much Does a DUI Cost in Tennessee?

DUI OffenseJail TimeFee
*IID fees not included
Suspended License Period
First2 days to 11 months$350 to $1,5001 year
Second45 days to 11 months$600 to $3,5002 years
Third120 days to 11 months$1,100 to $10,0003 to 10 years

*Additional fees, jail time, and suspension periods may apply.