Most drivers who get a DUI or DWI for drunk driving will end up having their auto insurance, and possibly other insurance, impacted. If you find yourself in this situation, you will likely be required to get “high-risk” insurance for coverage. Your current insurance providers may not offer that type of “high-risk” insurance, which means you will have to find another provider.
In addition, your state or jurisdiction may require proof of that insurance coverage, which is known as an SR-22, or FR-44 document or certificate. An SR-22 is an official document proving that a driver bought a minimum level of liability coverage, a type of insurance that covers bodily injury and property damage caused by an accident. You can can learn more about these types of insurance on our blog.
If you are wondering if you can receive financial assistance with Ignition Interlock costs in your area, feel free to ask Smart Start’s Customer Care Center team. If we cannot provide an answer to you, your monitoring authority, or whomever ordered you to participate in the Ignition Interlock program, will know how to help. You can also visit our state cost pages to learn more about whether you may qualify for an indigent program in your state.