Ignition Interlock
in Effingham, Illinois

Ride with Smart Start
& get back on the road

  • Illinois’ leading BAIID program
  • Low-price, with no hidden fees
  • Fast installation with same-day available
  • 24/7/365 multilingual Customer Care

It only takes a moment to get your personalized quote.

Excellent TrustScore of 4.7 out of 5

Get a quick and easy IID installation with Smart Start! Get started today!

¡Obtenga una instalación rápida y fácil de IID con Smart Start! ¡Empieza hoy mismo!

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BAIID in Illinois: We're Always Here for You

If you’re searching for a car breathalyzer after a DUI, we offer the best BAIID (Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device) in Effingham, Illinois. We will help you successfully complete your car breathalyzer requirement with guidance from caring, compassionate specialists who understand everything you need to know about a BAIID in Effingham, Illinois.

The cheapest BAIID program in Effingham, Illinois, includes 24/7/365 Customer Care that makes your Ignition Interlock experience as easy as possible. We’ll be with you right from the beginning with the services and support you need.

Trust Smart Start and schedule a BAIID installation appointment now in Effingham, Illinois, or at any of our Illinois service centers.

Ignition Interlock Locations in Illinois

Wherever you live in Illinois, it’s simple to find a Smart Start Ignition Interlock Device near you:

  • 2300 Hoffman Dr
    Effingham, IL 62401

    Installation & Service Appointments

The Cheapest Ignition Interlock Device in Effingham

Smart Start provides Effingham County with BAIID expertise, as well as the cheapest Ignition Interlock Device in Effingham, Illinois.

If you’re facing a DUI charge in Effingham County, Smart Start can help. Once you’ve received your MDDP or RDP from the Illinois Secretary of State, you’re eligible to receive a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) that can get you back on the road.

Smart Start is the leading BAIID provider in the state. We’ve also worked closely with the Illinois Secretary of State for years, so we can guarantee that the cheapest Ignition Interlock Device in Effingham will satisfy your specific requirements and help you get your license back.

Affordability and convenience

The cheapest Ignition Interlock Device in Effingham, Illinois,  caters directly to your needs for affordability. Smart Start understands the financial burden of a DUI. When you call us at (800) 831-3299, we’ll set you up with an affordable installation at a date, time, and location of your choice.

Once you’ve installed, you’ll have to return once every month to calibrate your device, but our calibrations are also inexpensive. Smart Start never charges hidden fees or missed appointment fees. We’ll also never lock you into a long-term contract.

“Cheap” doesn’t mean crummy

Despite our affordable pricing, Smart Start’s cheapest Ignition Interlock Device in Effingham is state-of-the-art. We’ll never skimp on quality to satisfy cost! Our Ignition Interlocks are built with an alcohol-specific fuel cell that can quickly read your alcohol breath test. Plus, our sleek black exterior conceals an integrated heater that ensures your device will still function reliably in cold weather.

Call Smart Start at (800) 831-3299 today or fill out the form at the top of this page and get the cheapest Ignition Interlock Device in Effingham. Let Smart Start can get you back on the road.