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Our Multilingual Customer Care Center is available 24/7 to answer your questions.
What happens after I get my DUI/DWI/OWI?
Contact an attorney for legal advice or the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety for driving privilege information.
What do I need to bring to my installation?
Vehicle with a properly working electrical system, picture ID, your driver’s license #, and payment for services.
What should I bring back to my State authority after my device is installed?
Our service center technician will provide you with an Installation Verification Form (IVF) for you to take to your monitoring/ installation authority.
How do I know if Smart Start’s devices are compliant with my program?
Only devices that meet the state requirements for Oklahoma are used at our service centers.
What happens if I violate?
All violations require service within 5 days of the time the violation occurred.
How often does my IID need to be serviced?
Typical services are monthly, however, state regulations allow for 65 day increments between services.
How do the consequences differ for a first and second DUI? Third? Fourth?
First Time Revocation – BAC less than 0.15
6-month license revocation. Driving privileges can be restored with the installation of an IID, provided qualifications are met.
First Time Revocation – BAC 0.15 or greater or Refused Test
6-month license revocation, driving privileges can be restored with the installation of an IID, provided qualifications are met. Upon conclusion of the revocation period an IID must be installed for 1 ½ years or until the license is reinstated, whichever is longer.
2nd Revocation
12-month license revocation with mandatory interlock installation for the revocation period. Upon conclusion of the revocation period an IID is required for 3 years or until their license is reinstated, whichever is longer.
3rd or Subsequent Revocation
3-year license revocation with mandatory interlock installation for the revocation period. Upon conclusion of the revocation period, they will be required to install an IID for 5 years or until their license is reinstated, whichever is longer.
If an ignition interlock is required for driving privileges, the driver must receive a replacement license bearing the words “Interlock Required” on the face of the license for as long as they are required to have an ignition interlock device.
What do I need for removal?
Valid reinstated driver’s license with interlock restriction removed.
What if I have a requirement, but I don’t own a vehicle?
The state of Oklahoma requires an ignition interlock device be installed on a vehicle before you will be eligible for a modified/ interlock required driver’s license.
Do I need the device on all of my vehicles?
OK DPS only requires an interlock be installed on any vehicle you drive.
Where can I go for service? Anywhere, or just within my state?
Your unit can be serviced at any Smart Start service center within the state or any service center that is located further than 25 miles from the Oklahoma State line.
What constitutes a violation in my state?
What do I need to do to install voluntarily?
Contact Smart Start for an installation appointment.
How do I know if I need a camera/GPS/etc.?
The installation authority will advise you of your device requirements.
Where does installation fall based on my condition?
Contact your installation authority for instructions on this matter.
Does the camera watch me all the time?
No, the camera only takes pictures when the device is requesting a breath sample.
How do I know who my State authority is?
Contact your attorney for further information.
How do I know what my state requires in an Ignition Interlock Device?
Visit for the rules and regulations set for Oklahoma.
How can I pay for calibration?
All of our service centers accept cash, credit cards, and money orders made payable to the service center you ar. Personal checks are not accepted.
Where do I send a record of my service appointments?
There is no requirement for this in Oklahoma.
Does this thing hurt my vehicle?
Can I get one on my motorcycle?
Motorcycle Ignition Interlock installation laws differ by state. Smart Start operates throughout the U.S. as a certified manufacturer and will work harder than other companies to provide you a seamless Interlock program that still follows your case requirements in the state of Oklahoma. Please call our Customer Care Center at 800-831-3299 if you have any questions.
Is the Ignition Interlock Device connected to my horn and lights?
No, but can be, if requested.