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Our Multilingual Customer Care Center is available 24/7 to answer your questions.
What happens after I get my DUI/DWI/OWI? How do the consequences differ for a second or third DUI?
You will receive a written notice of restoration from the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles after your suspended license period. The Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers two ignition interlock device programs for offenders to complete depending on their specific circumstances and criminal history. First-time offenders may be eligible for the First Offense Election – Ignition Interlock Device (FOE-IID) Diversion Program. Repeat offenders may be eligible for the Voluntary Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Program.
What do I need to bring to my installation?
Once you have scheduled your ignition interlock device (IID) installation with Smart Start, you will need to bring the following to your IID installation appointment:
What should I bring back to my State authority after my device is installed?
Smart Start will provide proof of installation once you have installed the ignition interlock device. You will need to bring this and your receipt for your first month’s payment to your State authority.
How do I know if Smart Start’s devices are compliant with my program?
Smart Start is on the approved ignition interlock device providers list for the state of Washington, DC. Our devices are also tested to meet the standards set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), so you can rest assured that our ignition interlock devices are compliant with your program.
What happens if I violate?
To determine the consequences of a violation as they relate to your specific program, contact your State authority immediately, or consult the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) at 302-744-2508.
How often does my IID need to be serviced?
Your ignition interlock device will need to be serviced every 30 days.
What do I need for removal?
In order to remove the ignition interlock device (IID) in the state of Washington, DC, you will need to provide satisfactory program completion to the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The DMV will charge you a reinstatement fee of $200. You will then receive authorization to remove the IID. Once you have received authorization from the DMV, you can schedule your removal appointment with Smart Start.
What if I have a requirement, but I don’t own a vehicle?
To determine your next steps if you have an ignition interlock device (IID) requirement in Washington, DC, but you don’t own a vehicle, contact your State authority immediately, or consult the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) at 302-744-2508.
Do I need the device on all of my vehicles?
To determine if you need to install the ignition interlock device on all of your vehicles for your specific program in Washington, DC, contact your State authority immediately, or consult the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) at 302-744-2508.
Where can I go for service? Anywhere, or just within my state?
You can service your ignition interlock device at any Smart Start service center unless told otherwise by your State authority or the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
What constitutes a violation in my state?
To determine what constitutes a violation in Washington, DC for your specific program, please contact your court, probation officer, or State authority. You can also call the revocation section at 302-744-2508 with any questions regarding your specific situation.
What do I need to do to install voluntarily?
To install an ignition interlock device (IID) on your vehicle or a family member’s vehicle voluntarily in Washington, DC, click the chat window below, fill out our online form, or call Smart Start at 800.831.3299 to speak with one of our customer care advocates and schedule a voluntary installation appointment. Check to see if your insurance offers any discounts for voluntary interlock installation, especially for children going off to college.
How do I know if I need a camera/GPS/etc.?
To determine if your specific program requires a camera or GPS, contact your State authority immediately, or consult the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) at 302-744-2508.
Does the camera watch me all the time?
No, the camera only takes photos of your breath tests. There is no live video feed.
How do I know who my State authority is?
In the state of Washington, DC, your State authority will generally be the Washington, DC Division of Motor Vehicles, your probation officer, and/or the court associated with your case.
How do I know what my state requires in an Ignition Interlock Device?
The state of Washington, DC has a list of approved ignition interlock device providers. Smart Start is on that list, so you can rest assured that our devices meet any and all state requirements in Washington, DC.
How can I pay for calibration?
In the state of Washington, DC, you can generally pay for calibration by cash or credit card at the service center at the time of calibration. However, acceptable forms of payment may vary. Please contact your service center to determine which methods of payment are acceptable there.
Where do I send a record of my service appointments?
In Washington, DC, Smart Start will send a record of your service appointments to your State authority on your behalf at no additional cost to you.
Does this thing hurt my vehicle?
No, Smart Start’s ignition interlock device (IID) does not hurt your vehicle in any way.
Can I get one on my motorcycle?
Motorcycle Ignition Interlock installation laws differ by state. Smart Start operates throughout the U.S. as a certified manufacturer and will work harder than other companies to provide you a seamless Interlock program that still follows your case requirements in the state of Washington, DC. Please call our Customer Care Center at 800-831-3299 if you have any questions.