New Jersey Ignition Interlock Laws

For first-time offenders and repeat DUI offenders, the State of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission may require you to install and maintain an Ignition Interlock Devices (IID) on your vehicle if:

  • Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level was .05 or higher

The court requires mandatory installation of Ignition Interlock Device if:

  • Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level was .15 or higher
  • You refused a breath test

You’re required to pay for all costs associated with the IID, from installation, monthly lease payments, service fees to removal. You’ll also need to attend an Intoxicated Driver Program (IDP).

How to Get Your License Quickly in New Jersey

  1. Complete your jail sentence and wait out your suspension period (if applicable).
  2. Contact the New Jersey MVC to learn when you need to have your Ignition Interlock Device installed.
  3. Call 1.800.831.3299 to schedule an appointment to have your interlock device installed with an approved Smart Start interlock service provider.
  4. Pay your DUI fines and related fees.
  5. Attend an Intoxicated Driver Program and any other mandatory classes or alcohol screenings per the MVC.
  6. Contact the New Jersey Surcharge Violation System at 1.888.651.9999 to manage and pay any additional fees, including yearly surcharge of up to $1,500 (based on your offense).
  7. Complete any pending court regulations.

DISCLAIMER: These steps may not be a complete representation of what you must do to regain your license. As DWI case details vary by each individual, please do not see this step-by-step guide as an official process to regaining your license, but rather as a starting point only.

How Much Does a DUI Cost in New Jersey?

DWI OffenseJail TimeFee
*IID fees not included
Suspended License Period
FirstUp to 30 days$250 to $400; $300 to $500 if BAC is 0.10 or more90 days; 7 months to 1 year if BAC is 0.10 or more
Second2 days to 90 days$500 to $1,0002 years
Third180 daysUp to $1,00010 years
Fourth180 daysUp to $1,00010 years

*Additional fees, jail time, and suspension periods may apply.