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Our Multilingual Customer Care Center is available 24/7 to answer your questions.
What happens after I get my DUI/DWI?
In Maryland, driving under the influence (DUI) is defined as operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 or higher. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is defined as operating a vehicle with a BAC level between .07 and .08. If you are charged with either a DUI or a DWI in the state of Maryland, you’ll receive a letter from the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) detailing your next steps. The court will also require you to have an Ignition Interlock Device installed and maintained on your vehicle.
What do I need to bring to my installation?
(Proof of insurance is REQUIRED. You cannot get a valid vehicle registration without proof of insurance.)
Your Social Security Number (SSN). If not provided, a $200 DEPOSIT is required. This will be returned within two weeks after program completion and removal.
What should I bring back to my State authority after my device is installed?
Smart Start will provide you with proof of your installation (MVA Form AJ-13) sealed by our certified technician. You then take this to a Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) service center in order to get your IID-restricted driver’s license.
How do I know if Smart Start’s devices are compliant with my program?
Smart Start has been a Maryland MVA-certified ignition interlock service provider since 2004, so you can be sure that Smart Start’s devices will be compliant with your program. Smart Start’s Ignition Interlock Devices (IID) are tested and certified to meet the standards set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
What happens if I violate?
You are required to report to the ignition interlock service center every 30 days. Each time you report one or more violations in a monitoring period, you will receive an auto-generated Violation Notice from the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) noting the date and time of the violation(s). Your Ignition Interlock Device (IID) compliance term will be extended by one month. If there is a fourth monitoring period containing a violation, you will receive a FINAL NOTICE instructing you to turn in your restricted license, as you will no longer be able to participate in the program. However, after 30 days, you can request reinstatement into the program.
How often does my IID need to be serviced?
Maryland law states that your Ignition Interlock Device (IID) needs to be serviced every 30 days.
How do the consequences differ for a first and second DUI? Third? Fourth?
The consequences for each DUI/DWI offense will vary for each individual. Please use the information listed below as a general reference guide. For additional information regarding fees and suspension periods, contact the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) for your specific situation.
What do I need for removal?
Once you meet your compliance requirements, the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) will mail a letter to the address on your license (the MVA will not forward correspondence) authorizing you to have the Ignition Interlock Device (IID) removed. Removal without this authorization is a violation and you will be removed from the program.
What if I have a requirement, but I don’t own a vehicle?
If you have an ignition interlock requirement in Maryland, but you don’t own a vehicle, you will have to take a license suspension, and you will not be able to drive a vehicle without an Ignition Interlock Device (IID).
Do I need the device on all of my vehicles?
No, Maryland law states that you only need the Ignition Interlock Device (IID) on the vehicles you will be driving during your requirement period.
Where can I go for service? Anywhere, or just within my state?
Maryland law states that you can service your Ignition Interlock Device (IID) at any Smart Start service center nationwide.
What constitutes a violation in my state?
In the state of Maryland, the following constitute a violation of the program:
i. Failing an Initial Test and/or a Retest. After the initial engine start, you must provide tests as requested while the engine is running and the device is powered up.
What do I need to do to install voluntarily?
To install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) on your vehicle or a loved one’s vehicle voluntarily, call Smart Start at 800.831.3299 and schedule a voluntary installation appointment. One of our bilingual customer care advocates will help you schedule an appointment at a Smart Start service center on a date that works best for you. You can also click the chat window below or fill out our online form.
How do I know if I need a camera/GPS/etc.?
In Maryland, the judge will let you know if you need additional features like a camera or GPS. If you are a Maryland resident with an out-of-state conviction (reporting to VA, for example), you may be required to have a camera and a GPS tracker. You should check with that state’s State authority to confirm your compliance requirements.
Where does installation fall based on my condition?
In the state of Maryland, you will have 15 days to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) after you’ve received the approval letter from the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) confirming your eligibility. You are well-advised to not wait until the final few days to install as your vehicle may require servicing prior to installation of the device.
Does the camera watch me all the time?
No. The camera only takes pictures of requested tests. There is no live video feed.
How do I know who my State authority is?
In the state of Maryland, your State authority or case manager will be indicated on the letter sent to you by the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). Your State authority may also be a parole officer or anyone else assigned by your judge.
How do I know what my state requires in an Ignition Interlock Device?
Smart Start’s devices are compliant with state regulations and we’re on the MVA’s approved service provider list. For a more comprehensive list of requirements, please visit the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.
How can I pay for calibration?
You can pay for calibration by cash or credit card at your Smart Start service center at the time of service. Please check with your local Smart Start service center to verify your payment options; they may differ.
Where do I send a record of my service appointments?
Smart Start will send a record of your service appointments to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) or to your State authority on your behalf at no additional cost to you.
What if my vehicle needs to be serviced or repaired?
To avoid Failure To Appear violations, you should contact your Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) case manager if your vehicle will be out of service for an extended period. You will likely have to make up this time. Keep copies of your service records for any time the vehicle is not in your possession. Your case manager will request these to waive any violations registered during this period.
What if I have a respiratory disorder and cannot take the tests?
You should contact your Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) case manager. The MVA will require that you have a pulmonary function test performed by your physician and submit the results. If approved the MVA will authorize Smart Start to adjust your device accordingly so you can provide breath tests. Please allow at least 72 hours after your MVA submittal for this process. We will make every accommodation we can to assist you in meeting your compliance requirements.
Does this thing hurt my vehicle?
No, Smart Start’s Ignition Interlock Device (IID) will not hurt your vehicle. If your radio doesn’t work it still won’t.
Can I get one on my motorcycle?
Motorcycle Ignition Interlock installation laws differ by state. Smart Start operates throughout the U.S. as a certified manufacturer and will work harder than other companies to provide you a seamless Interlock program that still follows your case requirements in the state of Maryland. Please call our Customer Care Center at 800-831-3299 if you have any questions.