Although Smart Start Ignition Interlock Device installation appointments are equally convenient no matter where you live, the materials you’ll need to bring to your installation appointment differ by location.
Generally, the following items are required for a successful installation appointment:
- Two valid forms of identification—one of which should include a photo of you. Photo ID allows us to ensure that the Ignition Interlock Device is going to the right individual. We want you to get credit for your time with the Ignition Interlock Device installed!
- Proof of residence. Proof of residence can include but is not limited to a recent bill, a tax return, another piece of formal correspondence by mail.
- Any and all court documents that may be relevant to your Ignition Interlock Device requirement or your restricted driving period. Official correspondence with your state driving or state authority is also welcome, and may provide additional guidance as to how Smart Start can best serve you.
- Vehicle registration. If you do not own the vehicle on which you’re installing the Ignition Interlock Device, or if that vehicle is not registered to you, you will need to bring a letter of permission from the registered owner stating that you are allowed to install an Ignition Interlock Device on the vehicle. (Smart Start’s Ignition Interlock Devices are compatible with all vehicle makes and models and will not harm the vehicle.)
- The vehicle on which you’ll be installing an Ignition Interlock Device (IID).
If you have any additional questions or concerns about the installation process or what is required for a successful installation, please don’t hesitate to call our customer care team at 800.831.3299. You can also click on the chat window below to begin a discussion with one of our customer care advocates.