Veteran’s Day and Alcohol Monitoring
Smart Start Inc.’s Ignition Interlocks and alcohol monitoring devices save lives by helping those in need of monitoring. At Smart Start, we work hard to provide safety and assurance to the public. This Veteran’s Day, Smart Start wants all of us to focus on the Military and our Veterans who have risked life and limb to provide safety and assurance both foreign and domestic.
Our Veterans are the backbone of our Nation. Historically, we have perceived the Military as symbol of pride and protection to our country. The United States Military saves lives, ensures our freedoms, and our way of life. As Americans, many of us show patriotism and Military support, but is it enough?
According to the NCADD, as much as 1 out of every 8 U.S. Military persons were referred to alcohol related counseling on returning from Iraq and Afghanistan from 2006-2008 (October, 2014). Our troops are coming home from experiencing true horrors and abnormal circumstances. Many of these persons suffer from PTSD and self-medicate with alcohol and/or other substances.
As our Veterans return to us, we should work to ensure their health and safety as much as they have ensured ours. Our goal is not to see our troops struggling with alcohol addictions, but instead rejoining civilian life and continuing the future they fought and sacrificed for themselves, their family, and their community.
So this Veteran’s Day, find a way to give back. Talk to a Veteran and ask them their story. To find out more about Smart Start Inc.’s products and services please visit our product pages.
If you are concerned about a Veteran or Service Member visit:
or if you are concerned about a loved one please visit:
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