What Does Cell Call In Mean?
One of the most convenient aspects of Smart Start’s alcohol-monitoring technology is the ability to send service reports and updates on your behalf—at no additional cost to you! Your device refers to this feature as Cell Call In.
If you’re using one of our convenient mobile devices like the IN-HOM™ Cellular or the IN-HOM™ Sobriety Monitoring And Reporting Technology (SMART) Mobile™, or if you have an Ignition Interlock Device with a modem installed in your vehicle, you may occasionally see the message “Cell Call In” on your display screen. These devices communicate remotely with Smart Start through a cellular connection. Some devices will communicate by connecting remotely at the end of the day. Other devices will communicate by connecting remotely after every test. This remote connection allows the device to upload your test information. It also enables Smart Start to send reports to your State Authority. While your alcohol-monitoring device—be it an IN-HOM™ Cellular, an IN-HOM™ SMART Mobile™, or an Ignition Interlock Device—is connecting to Smart Start, it will display Cell Call In.
Smart Start units use cellular networks to download your records. The time it takes to download and send reports will depend on the signal strength of your device, but it also depends on the amount of traffic that the cellular network is experiencing during the Cell Call In. Just like traffic on the highway can increase the time of your commute, traffic in the cellular network can increase the time your download takes. Cell Call In is not an error message; it’s just a courtesy message explaining that your device is working hard on your behalf.
If you see Cell Call In on your device’s display screen, don’t panic! Just wait patiently while the download completes. Once your device has finished providing necessary information, you will no longer see Cell Call In on the screen.
For answers to additional questions, please visit our FAQ page or call our 24/7 bilingual Customer Care Center at 1-800-831-3299.
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